Auto Warranties Videos


What all does the car warranty cover?

What all does the car warranty cover?
According to, not all car warranties are the same. “It’s easy enough to say that a vehicle warranty covers exactly what it promises to cover, and usually no more than that. This can be difficult, as these warranties can be notoriously boring to read or quite complex, and there may be huge differences in amount and type of coverage offered. People may receive warranties with a new car and some used car purchases, or they can buy extended warranties to increase the amount of things that will be covered.”
“There are several types of the vehicle warranty. With new cars, it’s quite common to get a bumper to bumper warranty that lasts for a certain period of years or until a certain amount of mileage is reached. This might be five years or 60,000 miles and the warranty will usually be null as soon as a person hits 60,001 miles on the car, even if this does not take five years to do. Other time periods and mileage limits can be longer or shorter.”
“A basic warranty may cover almost all things on the car, and some people get what are called drive train warranties, which cover the various parts that run the car, such as the transmission, engine and the like. Another warranty that may be offered is the wear and tear warranty. Wear and tear can help cover things like wiper blades, or power windows and door looks, and even the function of power seats. Rust protection is an additional warranty that usually simply covers the car for a certain period of time from rust decay.”
“A few things are notoriously not covered on the majority of car warranties. These include tires, belts, window wipers, hoses and oil filters. Some companies do offer a service vehicle warranty that will pay for the servicing of vehicles, including oil changes and filter changes as needed. When these are the car owner’s responsibility, warranties may occasionally be void if the owner clearly abused the car and did not get it serviced per manufacturer’s recommendations. This is an important clause to look for in a vehicle warranty, though it may not always be enforced. Usually warranties are also not enforceable if the car’s function is impaired through an accident or car crash.”
According to, “If you purchase a brand-new vehicle or a costly extended car warranty, the company or dealership that sells you the warranty will often refer to the coverage as a bumper-to-bumper warranty. Unfortunately, most consumers are under the assumption this type of warranty covers any and all defects or repairs that may be needed for the vehicle. This is usually not the case.”
“While these types of warranties do usually provide coverage for most parts and repairs on a vehicle, they don't cover everything. Accessories or added options are typically not included in the items covered under the terms of the warranty contract. For example, if you break a mirror or the CD changer stops working, the replacement cost of the parts may not be included in your warranty. Regular maintenance items, like air and oil filters, brake pads and tires are usually not covered as well.”


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